Terminal Conflict Wiki

Create a new Single Player Game (Wargames mode)

In order to create a new single-player game, select 'Wargames Mode' and choose between available scenarios and once selected press 'Initiate'.
Visual of the Single Player options screen within Terminal Conflict
Terminal Conflict has a variety of tutorials (1-9) and specific scenarios depicting a particular situation in a restricted time and/or geographical space. If you want to face the AI in the classic open 'World Domination' game select Scenario 10, 'Balance of Power'.

Loading an Existing Game

In order to load a previously saved game, select WARGAMES MODE and press 'CONTINUE' at the top of the list of available scenarios. Choose your desired save game and launch it by pressing 'Initiate'. Note that the save game is colored with the color of the faction you play.
Visual of the 'Load' Screen within Terminal Conflict

Multiplayer (Challenge Mode)

In order to play a multiplayer game against a human opponent, select 'CHALLENGE MODE' in the Main Menu. Then, select either to 'HOST' a game or 'JOIN' one.

Host a Game

If you are hosting a game, select your preferred multiplayer Scenario and press 'Initiate'. The terminal generates a unique key required by your opponent's terminal to establish a connection. Communicate the key to your adversary (feel free to make use of the 'Copy' button to easily copy the generated key). When your opponent inputs the key, the connection U.P.L.I.N.K. is established. Select your preferred faction and select Start to launch the game.
VIsual of 'Hosting a Game' within Terminal Conflict
If the U.P.L.I.N.K. connection timer has run down to 0, please repeat the procedure.

Join a Game

If you are joining a game, you will be presented with a screen requesting a unique key that the Host's terminal has generated. Insert the key either by typing it or by pasting it (if available on your platform) and press 'Initiate' in the right lower corner. No further input is required by you as this will allow the host to select their faction and once ready to start the game.
Visual of the 'Join Game' screen with Terminal Conflict